Hex Conversion

It’s a pretty common occurrence that I will find myself needing to convert an ASCII string into Hex. Or take a hex sequence and add an escape string, or remove the escape string. Sometimes change the escape string entirely. So I decided to put this

Preset Show Control

If you come from the world of show lighting you might be familiar with the concept of a lighting desk with an “A” and a “B” section which lets you get the next lighting cue ready and then fade or swap to it. Why have

Enable/Disable PoE

It hasn’t happened before, which I guess shows why there’s not a built in function for this in most control systems, or even in most switches, but I needed to include the ability to toggle PoE power per switch for a few devices. When you


Have you ever wanted to challenge a colleague to a game of tic-tac-toe during a presentation in your board room? Me either. So this could probably be filed under “useless”. Regardless, this has been coded to allow the winner to be rewarded, maybe they can

Hardware: Q-Sys Fader Control

In the age of iPads and interactive touch displays, it’s easy to forget that we have other options for interface design. I don’t think I know a single audio engineer who would choose a touch screen over a fader. I built this fader panel using

Q-Sys Plugin: Preset Recall

A few weeks before QSC released a plugin to aid with recalling camera presets to follow people around the room, I made my own. You’re probably better off using their one, but there are still situations where I might choose to use mine. When a

Q-Sys Plugin: Control Converter

When configuring control using Q-Sys, I often find myself needing a “trigger” signal instead of a momentary, or vice versa.  Occasionally it’s nice to be able to trigger different events when a button is released than what is triggered when you press. Of course, pretty

Q-Sys Plugin: Double Click

A pretty simple idea, sparked from a facebook group post asking a question on a related topic.  What happens if you want to open a set of basic controls when a button is clicked, but open a more advanced set of controls when the same

Q-Sys Plugin: Chamsys UDP

Here’s a plugin that nobody asked for.  UDP control of Chamsys lighting desks. Using this you can control your playbacks from Q-Sys, enabling you to integrate control of the lighting with the audio and room control.  It also means that you could set up a