DMX Controller

DMX Controller

I am of the opinion that there is a huge gap in the offerings of lighting control desks.  This isn’t the product to fill that gap, but this is the current progress on my journey to fill that gap.

In Mode 1, this gives you 8 channels of DMX control using 8 faders.  When you have a look you like, simply press the save button and select one of the faders to be used as a scene recall in mode 2.

Mode 2 swaps those 8 faders from fixture control to scene control.   Bringing up a fader will bring up the lights you’ve saved in that scene.

powered by arduino

The brain behind this version of te controller is an Arduino Nano. An affordable microprocessor which is perfect for simple tasks like this.

8 channel dmx output

Eight faders can be used to control eight conventional light fixtures using DMX. You can also save up to 8 preset scenes for recalling complete looks.

Product Roadmap

Version 1

Six channels of DMX control

Basic translation from fader input to DMX output

No master

No scenes/presets/cues

Not properly constructed

Version 2

Full PCB design and complete construction

Fader and DMX count increased to 8

No master

Addition of “preset mode” allowing use of all 8 fader as presets

Version 3

Redesign of V2 to port the project to a Raspberry Pi instead of Arduino for additional future features.

Rewrite code in python


Control of additional parameters

Fixture library and fixture editor


On-Screen menu

Virtual dimmers

More faders, more fixtures

Save/Load show files

Basic FX engine

Cue Stack