Hex Conversion

It’s a pretty common occurrence that I will find myself needing to convert an ASCII string into Hex. Or take a hex sequence and add an escape string, or remove the escape string. Sometimes change the escape string entirely. So I decided to put this

Preset Show Control

If you come from the world of show lighting you might be familiar with the concept of a lighting desk with an “A” and a “B” section which lets you get the next lighting cue ready and then fade or swap to it. Why have

Enable/Disable PoE

It hasn’t happened before, which I guess shows why there’s not a built in function for this in most control systems, or even in most switches, but I needed to include the ability to toggle PoE power per switch for a few devices. When you


Have you ever wanted to challenge a colleague to a game of tic-tac-toe during a presentation in your board room? Me either. So this could probably be filed under “useless”. Regardless, this has been coded to allow the winner to be rewarded, maybe they can